Project IGI 2 Covert Strike :

Project IGI 2 Covert Strike :
Project IGI 2 Covert Strike :

Project IGI 2 Covert Strike Reviews..
IGI 2's biggest problem is that instead of drawing you into a thrilling
adventure, it makes you feel like you're just going through the motions
in a generic shooter.
a mediocre game can seem worse than an outright dud. When you're
playing an obviously terrible game, you can usually put it safely aside
and move on to something better. But mediocre games like Innerloop
Studios' IGI 2: Covert Strike trick you into thinking that there might
be something great just around the corner, only to repeatedly disappoint
you. The previous game, Project IGI, was an above-average shooter when
it was released in 2000, despite some serious shortcomings. But things
have changed since then--more-sophisticated and more-stylish action
games such as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, No One Lives Forever 2,
and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell have raised the bar for action games. Yet
Innerloop has slid under it with IGI 2, which is a shooter that might
have seemed exciting if it had been released in 2000, but is mostly
forgettable now.
IGI 2, you play as ex-SAS soldier David Jones, a covert operative now
working for the fictional Institute for Geotactical Intelligence. You'd
never know that at first if you didn't read the box and manual before
playing, though. The game itself just throws you into the action without
any decent setup or explanations. What exactly is IGI? Who is David
Jones? Who knows? Who cares? The attempts at storytelling fall flat
throughout the game. This might not have been the problem if IGI 2 were a
straightforward action game, but, as your first mission briefing tells
you when you start the game, "stealth will be vital." To be fair, IGI 2
at least gives you a visibility meter that gives you a good idea of how
easily you can be seen without resorting to guesswork. You can toggle
Jones' movement between running and walking, and you can also select
from standing, crouching, and prone positions, all of which have an
effect on how noticeable you are.
2 does have seem to have some basic mechanics to encourage interesting
stealth-based gameplay, but in practice, the stealth elements are often
tedious, frustrating, or implemented too obviously. All too often,
you'll get the feeling that IGI 2's designers were following some sort
some kind of action-game design handbook. You'll find levels where
you'll obviously be required to sneak up behind a guard and incapacitate
him, or levels in which you're clearly supposed to crouch behind a pile
of crates to avoid being spotted by a security camera. In fact, IGI 2
may make you feel like you're jumping through hoops instead of pulling
off dramatically daring feats, so you may be tempted to forget stealth
and just start shooting things up.
then that you'll learn that that IGI 2's disposable henchmen aren't
exactly tactical geniuses. Sure, if you blow your cover and go in with
guns blazing, they'll sound alarms and come pouring out of their
barracks to hunt you down, and sometimes they'll even surprise you by
using a flash-bang grenade to blind you before they attack. Many of them
have incredibly good aim, but they're not especially vigilant
otherwise, and when they first suspect your presence, they'll usually
just run back and forth in predetermined areas for a while, as if a good
jog might ward off any possible intruders. Apparently, the guards all
skipped class while attending henchman school, since they'll gladly run
one after another into your line of fire until the bodies are stacked to
the ceiling. They'll also use such clever tactics such as yelling
"Grenade!" to warn you before they throw one. In fact, they'll even
start tossing grenades around wildly indoors--while you're still
If you
stand too long in view of a security camera, an alarm will likewise
sound. Of course, you'll discover quickly that you can simply shoot out
most cameras, and no one will be the wiser. Leaving bodies lying around
(you can't drag them out of the way as in most games of this type)
usually won't alert anyone either. About the only time you absolutely
have to be stealthy in IGI 2 is in certain levels where massive hordes
of guards can gang up on you from all directions.
you do find yourself under attack, the firefights can be action-packed
and exciting but are just as likely to be frustrating. The enemies
usually act foolishly, but, as mentioned above, they have superb aim to
compensate. Imagine the infamously difficult Sniper Town level from
2015's excellent shooter Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, but everywhere,
all the time. As such, you'll need to sneak from cover to cover as you
pick off enemies and use grenades to take out large groups before they
can fire on you en masse. Unfortunately, the AI troops' unerring ability
to hit you with a submachine gun from hundreds of yards away may make
you feel like the game is cheating.
you do find yourself under attack, the firefights can be action-packed
and exciting but are just as likely to be frustrating. The enemies
usually act foolishly, but, as mentioned above, they have superb aim to
compensate. Imagine the infamously difficult Sniper Town level from
2015's excellent shooter Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, but everywhere,
all the time. As such, you'll need to sneak from cover to cover as you
pick off enemies and use grenades to take out large groups before they
can fire on you en masse. Unfortunately, the AI troops' unerring ability
to hit you with a submachine gun from hundreds of yards away may make
you feel like the game is cheating.
the levels are visually impressive in terms of their sheer size,
they're not very impressive otherwise. IGI 2's graphics engine is
certainly capable of rendering some attractive scenes from time to time,
but there's just too little artistry behind the game to take advantage
of it. Few of the levels make you feel like you're in a real-world
location, despite IGI 2's real-world setting. Most buildings, for
instance, are largely empty or look almost exactly alike inside and out.
The game looks rather dated overall, thanks to its simple lighting and
shadow effects, blocky 3D models, and generally unconvincing animations.
It just lacks any sort of memorable visual style, and you'll forget
what each level looked like as soon as you finish it.
the visuals, IGI 2's audio is merely adequate. On the one hand, you'll
hear wind whistling through the pines high on a snowy mountain and hear
Jones' feet realistically crunching gravel as he runs. The guns sound
powerful for the most part, too. On the other hand, the music is
forgettable, and most of the voice-overs are quite bad. The voices for
Jones and his cohorts back at IGI headquarters are competent, but the
voices for the "Russian" henchmen in the early missions, for example,
are horrible. All the guards keep shouting the same phrases over and
over for no reason--you'll want to kill them just to shut them up.
you get tired of the single-player game--which will likely happen in a
hurry--you can head online. IGI 2's multiplayer offers a decent variant
on the popular team-based shooter Counter-Strike, albeit with unusually
large maps. In fact, the maps feel too large for a game that supports
only 16 players. The menu system is also rather clumsy.
2: Covert Strike has its entertaining moments, but not enough of them
to help the game rise above mediocrity. Sometimes the game provides some
exciting combat, but more often it tends to be boring, clichéd, or
clumsy. It fails miserably at providing any sort of interesting story or
characters that you care about. The levels are huge, but they're often
bland or repetitive, and the game is riddled with design problems and
bugs. Perhaps IGI 2's biggest problem is that instead of drawing you
into a thrilling adventure, it makes you feel like you're just going
through the motions in a generic shooter.
Offers You To See The System Requirments Of This Game.... Don't Visit
Other Websites Just Visit For All Games Stuff.....
Minumum Requirments........
Processor: Pentium III or Athlon 700
- RAM: 128MB RAM
- Video Memory: 32MB VRAM
- Operating System: 98/Me/XP
- RAM: 128MB RAM
- Video Memory: 32MB VRAM
- Operating System: 98/Me/XP
REcommended Requirments.
Processor: Pentium 4 or Athlon 1200
- RAM: 512MB RAM
- Video Memory: 64MB VRAM
- RAM: 512MB RAM
- Video Memory: 64MB VRAM
IGI 2 Download
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